Wednesday, October 14, 2009

8-12 year old Phat Pholio Winners!!!!

Time to announce my first set of winners!!!! Before I do I'd like to thank all the parents that send in their kids pictures, all the entries were great! Y'all made it hard on my photographer friends that voted. They said I had a good looking bunch of kids. I feel so proud! LOL! Ok... Ok... I know y'all are ready for the winners So here we go....

First Place!!
Winners of a free portrait session
with a proofing CD and on-line gallery,
an 11x14 portrait from that session,
& 20% off portraits for the following year are...

Winners of a free one hour portrait session
with proofing CD and on-line gallery,
& an 8x10 from session are...

Congratulations to all my winners!!! Yeaaaaa!!!! (Loud applause!!)
I'll send an email with all the info you need to get your sessions and free portraits. Thank you again for participating and thanks to everyone that voted! I'll be posting my next contest in the next day or so.
Keep your eyes open!

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