Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Ok, I'm gonna try to keep up with my blog! I know I'm horrible at it!! Sorry! But I've found another blog that I think will help keep me inspired to blog! It's called "I heart faces". They have a little contest thing where I can enter my pics from my blog using different themes and catagories. Hopefully this will get me in the habit of blogging! Keep your fingers crossed!! LOL!

You can click on that button above to view all the fabulous entries! So here's mine for "Kids"


Corey~living and loving said...

tee his expression. :) what a cutie. Nice entry.
have a great week.

Erin said...

LOOK at that face!!! So cute.

Great entry!

Teresa said...

Wow, these are gorgeous! Such beautiful entries!

Nene said...

LOVE it! Great shot!

Unknown said...

I love that expression! Very nice :)

Pam Wicker said...

Very, very cute little boy! Love that face!!